Saturday, March 22, 2014

Week 9

Week 9 3/14-3/20

How Big- Just over 10lbs

Clothing Size- 1-3 months. Size 1 in diapers now.

Sleeping- Great! He is sleeping at night in about 6 hour stretches. He had a little cold this week and was up more often this week during the night. He is still sleeping with us and we will start transitioning to the crib next weekend at night.

Movements- He loves kicking his feet and legs. This is his favorite part of the day. He also loves his kick and play piano now.

Milestones- Smiling often in his sleep, holding his head up all the time, and staying awake a lot more.

Hardest Moment- 2 hard times this week. First, I hated seeing my sweet boy sick. Pulls at your heart strings to know there is nothing out there you can do. He had some congestion and a cough. The colds have been awful this winter and we picked these germs up somewhere. Second, this was my first week back to work which means time for Sammy to be at daycare during the day. It was hard to leave him and I call and check on him often. I feel really good about where he is going. I do look at the time at work and think to myself what I think he may be doing at that moment based on our schedule together. I have his beautiful pictures on my work desk and when I miss him I will look at those and smile!

Best Moment- On Thursday night after we had dinner, Sammy was in his bounce chair and Frank went to join him on the floor. I went to wash the dishes and I looked over and saw the two of them interacting. Frank was talking to him (top secrete but I think they were discussing my birthday plans) and Sammy was staring at him so intently. Just staring at him, smiling, and laughing for almost a hour. I went upstairs and would peek down from the banister to see them both having such a great time. I left them to enjoy the moment. This was something Frank always envisioned doing with our children. I am glad he had one of his many moments he dreams of with Sammy.

Highlights- After a long work day, I go into the daycare and lay my eyes on him. I can’t wait to get him back in my arms! I look forward to the day down the road when he sees me come in the door and crawls or starts walking over to me with a big smile on his face. That will be one of cherished moments. I love this kid more then I can even begin to describe here.

Week 8

Week 8 3/7-3/13

How big- I would bet about 9lbs now.

Clothing Size- 1-3 months. I did move up to size 1 in the diapers this week.

Sleeping- He is taking good naps in his nursery as long as he is not in the crib. I leave the rock and play that he sleeps in our room in and put it right next to the crib. He will take about a 2 hour nap in there now. At night he is sleeping from 10pm-4am when he gets up to eat. Then he will go back down until about 8am.

Movements- He rolls over on his side now. It is fun to watch him because he starts by kicking his legs high in the air to gain momentum and then rolls on his side. He isn’t a huge fan of tummy time but he is getting better now that he has good head control and can keep his head up to see things.

Milestones- This little guy LOVES to smile! I mean it is non stop during the day. He also has a new obsession with mirrors. His 2 activity mats that he has both have mirrors. He doesn’t pay one bit of attention to anything else on the mat but the mirror. We stand in the bathroom mirror in the morning and smile and giggle together.

Hardest Moment- When is this colicky period in the evening going to get better? It is already getting better but he is a completely different baby at night from 8-10pm then he is the rest of the day. Patience has been a virtue through this time.

Best Moment- I have 2 this week. When he wakes up in the morning and will smile and talk back and forth with me. I talk and he watches me, then I let him chat and make noises. We go back and forth with this for about 15 minutes every morning. The second is a reassuring mom moment. We had lots of visits with friends over the last week of my maternity leave. He would get cranky with other people holding him. Once he is back in my arms, it is great to see him calm down and notice me. This mom thing is paying off!

Highlights- I had the greatest weekend with just the 3 of us. It is what I have always dreamed of for many years. Out and about shopping, having fun, and have a happy baby to go with us. We even had our down time at home cuddling and playing with our little guy. He smiles at us, allows me to take pictures of the moments, and is just noticing US more and more each day. Insert heart melt <3 My weekends are something I am cherishing more and more as I prepare to return to work M-F next week. I want every weekend to be just like this one.

Week 7

Week 7 2/28-3/6

How big- 8lbs9oz on 2/25

Clothing Size- Size 1-3 months. Still not understanding Carter’s that they go from tiny newborn to double that size at 3-6 months.

Sleeping- Sammy is doing a great job sleeping at night so I honestly can’t complain. During the day he will fight naps and usually wins! We are working on the crib thing every day. 20 minutes one day, a hour the next. Making strides and I hope by the end of the month he will be in the crib at night.

Movements- He likes to keep his head held high and often picks his head up while I am holding him so he can see my face. He loves his ottoman kicking time and is on his activity mat kicking about 30 minutes a day now.

Milestones- the many faces of Sammy… the smiles, the smirks, and his pouty lip he gives me. I can’t help it, I could stare at him waiting for his face to change all day long. I hope to react quick enough soon to catch it on camera. On 2/28 at his early morning feeding and snuggle time with me at 4am, he had a smile that went from ear to ear that lasted about 30 seconds.

Hardest moment- Gas pains and constipation. My poor baby, I just want to snap my fingers and have him feeling better. We have been using gas drops, gripe water, warm baths, warm cloths to his stomach, bicycle legs, and bouncing. We are going to try some different holds to keep him in during this time. He wants to be in our arms at all times which makes for a very unproductive day for me.  I am praying this pain moves quickly and we are back to him feeling better soon.

Best Moment- Our bath times have become our great moment. Frank and I both give him his baths and we have it down where most of the time he won’t even cry. It takes some time but I move very slowly and calmly to get the bath done and he loves it. He falls asleep and gets this look on his face that is now coined the Sammy Spa look, which is an expression of pure and utter relaxation and bliss.

Highlights- Just watching this little man grow. I can’t believe how much he has changed over the last month. He is gaining personality now and that makes me so excited for our future together with him. Right now he is chatty like his mom but can be very stubborn, finicky, and funny just like his dad. Every day is a new day with Sam and he has something new and exciting to surprise us with daily.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Week 6

Week 6 2/21-2/27

How big- At his pediatrician check up on 2/24, Sam the Man weighs in at a whopping 8lbs9oz and 21in.

Clothing Size- Newborn size is a bit snug so most of what he is wearing now is 1-3 months. Off on a tangent here but why does Carters go from Newborn to size 3-6 months in their pants. I prefer the sizing of Gap Baby now.  I am watching the sales to know when to shop there.

Eating- every 3.5 hours                                  

Sleeping- Sammy has decided he is too cool for naps! I do lay him down in his crib for at least some quiet and chill out time. He goes to bed about 10pm and is up for the day by 8am. He gets up 3x to eat. I am going to work on making him a mobile this week to entice him to be in the crib more.

Movements- Kicking around , using his activity mat in about 15 minute stretches, and he loves laying in mom and dad’s bed looking at the ceiling, the fan moving, and he has a second new BFF- a new light in the bedroom. It will never be the light in the living room though.

Milestones- this little boy is going to be a chatter like his mommy. He is constantly making noises, cooing, and often has smirks on his face. He loves kicking to music and is getting better about following toys with his eyes. If I snap his fingers, he will move his head and eyes in the direction of the snapping. He is spending about 15 minutes a day on his activity mat watching the lights and noises that we put on for him. He still isn’t digging his kick and play piano but there is plenty of time for that.

 Hardest Moment- Transitioning to the crib. Sam is not digging it and wants no part of sleeping in there. He is so tiny in that big crib and I know that can be scary to a baby.  I swaddle him up and even if it is 10 minutes a day for a nap with him in the crib before he starts crying, we attempted it for that day. We had one afternoon a few weeks ago that he was in there sleeping for almost 3 hours. I need to remember every last detail of that day so we have a repeat of that! I did say before he was born that one of my goals was to have him sleeping at night in his crib before I go back to work. I don’t think we are going to get there in 2 weeks and that is ok. I am not going to stop trying and working at it every day in the meantime.

Best Moment- All of last weekend. It was just the 3 of us all weekend long.  We ran errands, shopped, went out to eat, and then met Aunt Manda and Uncle J on Sunday afternoon. It was great spending time all together, just the 3 of us together the entire weekend long.

Highlights- I was driving home from taking Sammy to visit Nana and Tata which is about a 25 minute drive. The entire time we were driving home, Sammy was having the time of his life. He was "talking", cooing, and making noises that I turned the radio down very low (god forbid I turn it off because this little guy would freak out, he LOVES his music) just to listen to it the whole way home. I can't believe how much he is changing every day. I was excited to get home, put out the activity mat, and make noises together. Rest assured, he fell asleep in the last few minutes so we had to play and make noises at each other the next day.

Week 5

Week 5- 2/14- 2/20

How big- No current weight. I would guess just over 8lbs.

Clothing Size- newborn. He is starting to bust out of his newborn sweat pants that he loves to wear from Carter’s. I picked him up a new set this weekend. A few other newborn outfits they are pretty snug.

Eating- About every 3.5-4 hours.

Sleeping- At night he will sleep in about 4 hour stretches. He will get up twice during the night to eat but goes right to sleep after. This week it started a new trend with sleeping (or lack of thereof) that he naps about a hour at most all day.

Movements- Sammy is moving a lot more now. He loves to move to the beat of music. One of his favorite places to move around at is on the ottoman while he looks at the lights if they are on. He moves so much that his entire body will move and he will move from one end of the mat to the other.

Milestones- His eyelashes are starting to come in. Sammy will also follow your fingers snapping with his eyes. He will also follow toys and lights with his eyes. His hand to eye coordination is getting advanced! Then when we went to go visit Dad at work, he had a short belly laugh while sleeping in daddy’s arms as we were discussing his best friend the living room light. He stares and watches that light for hours a day. He is going to hate me one day for all the teasing we give him about the light.

Hardest Moment- I had one day where he didn’t want to sleep and was fussy the entire day. I started doubting myself as a mom and I had my own Mommy meltdown that day when Frank got home to listen. I have a hard time (as every parent does) when their child is upset and crying inconsolably.

Best Moment- Going to visit Daddy at work. He was so proud to show us off to everyone. Sammy was so well behaved and let all the ladies hold him while being a perfect angel the whole time! We also visited my work this week to prepare me to go back in a few weeks. Again, he was a perfect angel for everyone!

Highlights- Sammy is one month old on Valentine’s Day!  Sammy’s first Valentine’s Day and he wore his Valentine’s Day onsie which was the cutest! We took some 1 month old pictures this week. One of them that I had on my phone was so cute! He was looking up and out the window. Couldn’t help but think that he was watching his brother Frankie out the window. Great Mom moment right there! Mom and Dad also went out on our first date since Sammy’s arrival while Nonna and Papa were here visiting. He was perfect for them and we had such a wonderful date. The date was so appreciated and I really needed to connect with my husband for a few hours.

Week 4

Week 4 2/7-2/13

How big- no current weight. This is a big step for me but I have decided to stop obsessing over the numbers and the weight. He goes to the Dr. on 2/24 so we will find out his weight then. He looks healthy and I would estimate he is about 8lbs now.

Clothing Size- Newborn.

Eating- my little guy is happy, healthy, and eating J

Sleeping- Right now he is still sleeping at night with us and he gets up to eat about every 4 hours. This week he did sleep for 3 hours in the crib alone for a nap. Yay Sammy! Thank goodness for white noise because often he won’t sleep without it.

Movements- He likes to kick a lot when we unswaddle him and put him on the ottoman. We joke that he exercises and dances every moment we have him free from the swaddle. He now has learned how to pull his right arm out of the swaddle, he breaks his arm out every time.  He also does the funniest thing now, he will be in his swing and covered up. We will be sitting on the couch and we will look over at him and he waves his hand over the blanket at us. Seriously, the funnest thing this kid does on most days. Watching that little hand stretching over the blanket and it peeking out over the blanket at us at random moments.

Milestones- We have been getting more smiles lately. He has this smirk thing he does and one side of his mouth stays up and one stays down. Cute cute cute! I love our morning snuggles when he is the happiest and we play, smile, and stay awake for hours together. This is my favorite time of day to bond with him.

Hardest moment- Sammy had a huge meltdown on Monday 2/10 in the evening.  I was upstairs watching TV and the boys were down here. Huge crying uncontrollably spell. This then led to a family meltdown where Mom cried because Dad only gets to see him for a few hours in the evening and Sammy is here crying to no end. Dad feels like he can’t calm him down and that Sammy is unhappy with him. Lots of talking, some quiet time, and a big family hug all together put out this moment.  We as a family will be the first to say that the newborn stage is tough. Each week it is getting better and better.

Best moment- The other night when Frank got home from work and he was cuddling Sammy on the couch. Frank was talking to him and they were having a good time while I was sitting at the other end of the couch. It was music to my ears to hear this conversation and the laughs. Then I hear Frank say “ Sammy just smiled at me”! We were waiting for Frank to have this moment and the moment happened! I don’t know if anyone would know the extent of my happiness after this.

Highlights- Nonna is here to visit. She came over on Tuesday night and we hung out here at the house. On Wednesday 2/12- Sammy stayed home with Nonna while I had to do a few things in the afternoon. That evening we went to a work going away party in which Nonna and Sammy were the guests of honor! On Thursday 2/13- we went to Hobby Lobby and came home to do a craft-a-palooza for Valentines Day. Sammy loved craft day!

Week 3

Week 3  1/31-2/6

How big- weight check in on2/3 with lactation consultant was 7lbs 4oz. Go Team Sam!

Clothing size- newborn. I don’t see us leaving this size anytime real soon.

Eating- We had a weighted feed (if you are having trouble BF, this is something that you need to ask for. It will allow you to know what amount of food he is getting with each session) with Sammy breast feeding on 2/3 with the specialist. For 15 minutes on each side. One side he ate 4cc in 15 minutes and then 2cc after 15 minutes on the other side. It confirmed that I am not crazy, I honest to god have no milk to give this little guy going on 3 week post partum. Discouraging for me as a mother but we need to focus and move forward with other options. I will not be able to solely breast feed unfortunately but we are going to keep trying. Right now we can’t seem to break the 45cc (ounce and half) mark with each feeding.

Sleep- LC told me it was ok to not wake him every 3 hours and let him go to every 4 if he will sleep that long. We never made it past about 3 hours so Sam must have become adjusted to last week’s schedule. As long as he is eating and gaining weight, that is ok. I don’t mind.

Movement- this little guy is Italian. He has been speaking (screaming) with his hands since day 4 of life. His hands are always out there grabbing at everything. I am kind of in love with his hands!

Milestones- Sammy stays awake more in the day. We sing, read books, and cuddle. Even when we are cuddling, his eyes are open big and he is staring right at me! Also, we are doing trial runs in the crib with his naps. He had 2 days of 30 minutes and one day where he made it 2 hours after the library story time that I kept him awake for. Nobody wants a sleeping baby in library story time but he stayed awake for most of it!

Hardest Moment- having the specialist tell me I solely cannot feed my child on breast feeding because I don’t produce enough milk. This was not an easy thing to hear and I feel like my body is defeating me. I keep reminding myself Happy Mom= Happy Baby so stop obsessing. Also, as long as he is eating and gaining weight, that is what is important.

Best Moment- Our family/newborn pictures. OMG… I can’t believe how amazing these pictures turned out to be. I think I can look at these and awww for hours!

Highlights- Diaper changes, yes I know life has changed! It is now become like an action adventure. Dodging poop coming at you mid change and beating the clock in the middle of the change to work fast and efficiently when you know another rush is coming to get a diaper up there quick enough. On the urine note, we had some pee in the face this week. No it was not mine or Frank’s but in Sam’s. He waits until we have the old diaper off and in that few seconds lapse between putting on a fresh one to pee all over the place. Our life will now never be the same in case there was any doubt. Yes folks, diaper changes have become the highlight of the week. Don’t you dare judge us!

Week 2

Week 2- 1/24-1/30

How big- At the weight check on Tuesday we are up 8oz in 4 days!!!!!! 6lbs12oz. Go Sammy (and mom &dad too) for the hard work.

Clothing size- newborn

Eating-  We have now moved to supplementing each feed with 1oz of formula or breast milk pumped in a bottle rather then using the syringe or SNS pump (biggest pain in the a$$). I may have contemplated throwing it outside and hiding it in the 10 foot snow pile at the end of the driveway. We are feeding every 2.5-3 hours.

Sleep- we are getting better developing his schedule. He will sleep better at night now and I am having to wake him up to eat rather than him waking me up wide eyed and bushy tailed like what we had happening last week.

Movement- Sam LOVES to have his hands in the way every single chance he can get. He grabs everything, pulls at all the things, and is kicking those long legs all day long (yes even in his sleep)!

Milestones- Gaining 8oz in 4 days. I am sorry to keep focusing on the eating/feeding/and weight numbers but it is a HUGE deal to us.

Hardest Moment- when we (yes it was a joint decision) to get rid of the SNS pump and introduce the bottle to Sammy. This was something I didn’t want to do and kept sticking to my gun that we were not going to “give in” and use a bottle. After watching my little man get so upset and anxious with inserting a “foley like tube” into his mouth to fake him out while he would pull it out himself every time about at least 10 times each feed, we had to develop a better option.

Best Moment- we joke as parents that we will joke about this when Sammy is a teenager, a grown up, and when he brings his future wife home. We had to tape the pump to my camera tripod so it would hang to gravity to allow the formula to go down the tube. I couldn’t keep it close or in his sight because he would pull it out and grab at it. Poor guy hated that thing as much as we did so we know that this son is a Cirillo since he had the same thoughts as us. If you all could only see us taping a pump contraption to a tripod to trick him out that the pump was not being used. We have one smart and observant kid on our hands here!

Highlights- sorry to focus on the numbers and feeding again but my little peanut gained 8oz in 4 days. For this, I am proud of Mom, Dad, and Sammy.

Week 1

Week 1 (1/17-1/23)

How big- Sam was born at 7lbs3oz. At discharge on 1/21, Sam was 6lbs4oz. He had a weight loss of 13.25% while in the hospital. On 1/22, Sam was 6lbs7oz when meeting with the lactation consultant.

Clothing size- Newborn- Newborn is swimming on him.

Eating- We had to start supplementing in the hospital, which was not my plan. This has been a huge concern and issue for us. It has also been a self confidence issue, regret, and very heavy on my heart as a mother.

Sleep- Huh?? This week Sam likes to be up all night and sleep all day. Party animal here folks.

Movement- he loves to kick his long, muscular legs every moment he can.

Milestones- being born. This little guy was very long awaited by many people. I have never been prouder in my entire life to say our rainbow baby is here!

Hardest Moment- Weight loss tied with having to put him under the bili lights for 24 hours. He hated it so much and it broke my heart that I couldn’t hold him to comfort him. I hate to have my newborn baby screaming and I can’t go and scoop him up to make him better. Since we could not hold him except to feed him, I would make sure to have his feedings last for at least a hour.

Best Moment- being discharged from the hospital. Our miracle baby was coming home with us!

Hospital Days- Thursday 1/16-Tuesday 1/21. More than ready to go home!

Coming home- We left the hospital at 11am on Tuesday 1/21. We stopped downstairs to say goodbye to Aunt Manda before leaving the hospital. So many people came to cheer us on as we left, people who didn’t even know us but knew of our story that it made me tear up. Felt so unbelievably blessed. Frank drove us home while I sat in the back seat with Sam. We had about a 50 minute drive home from the hospital. I spent 55 minutes of the drive in the backseat crying happy tears while staring at this gift from heaven. The coming home process was more emotional then the labor part for me. We were finally bringing a baby home!

First Dr’s visit- I always knew who I wanted Sammy’s  doctor to be. I feel like it was the best decision I made and couldn’t feel more comfortable with who he is seeing. A doctor who I used to work with who has values, goals, and the personality that I can agree with. I am very picky about doctors but I don’t have to second guess myself even once wondering if I made the right decision.  At the first appointment, we weighed Sam who was still 6lbs4oz. This was hard for me because I have been breast feeding him and supplementing him with 30cc (1ounce) at every feed every 2-2.5 hours. Insert emotional breakdown while we were left in the room alone. Thank goodness Frank was there with me to help. I wouldn’t have been able to keep my cool. The doctor gave us lots of reassurance with the weight and knows me well because I think he could tell how upset and concerned I was. He agreed with our current plan of breastfeeding as Sam would like and supplementing with 1ounce. I also am pumping with every feed for 20 minutes. The doctor said it was up to us if we wanted to keep waking Sam up to eat. The doctor felt that it is important for me to be sleeping more since we are a week post-partum and I still don’t have a milk supply in yet. We will extend his feedings to every 2.5-3 hours. I will also bring Sam back on Tuesday for another weight check. The doctor is very happy with his color and doesn’t feel we need to be concerned about jaundice. Sam is doing great!

Highlights- This week was full of highlights. Having Sam born safely and healthy, coming home, and walking through the front door with Sam were beyond highlights this week. I just can't believe we have our rainbow baby here, healthy, and home with us. We owe a very special thank you to his big brother upstairs <3