Monday, May 26, 2014

Week 18

Week 18 5/23-5/29

How Big- I am going to have to accept that my Bug will not be gaining weight very quickly. He is 11.4 lbs.

Size- 3-6 months and a mix of size 1 or size 2 diapers

Sleeping- Bug is a great sleeper! This makes me very happy. He still gets up 1-2 times a night but we that is nothing anymore. I get up and not even think about it. Plus Bug is very snuggly at night and loves to cuddle with me after eating. That more then makes up for the lack of sleep getting my middle of the night cuddles.

Movements- When is he not moving! He kicks his feet, rolls side to side, and is always moving his hands like crazy in the air. Bug has always loved the bathtub and now he loves it more. Mom and Dad get a bath too with all the water that is splashed!

Milestones- The thumb sucking, the happiness and peace this baby has once you put music on, great head control, and his constant alertness. Every day is a new day and is better then the last.

Hardest Moment- My hardest moment for this week is my constant concern with Sammy, his weight. It takes a lot but we have come to the conclusion that I can’t stress about his weight. He is eating well, not spitting up as much anymore, and I can tell his stomach has done a complete 180 from where it was 8 weeks ago with the reflux that we were competing against. My tall and thin Bug he will always be!

Best Moment- When I went into daycare to pick him up this past Wednesday and I got a smile that was seen from across the room. Best part, I knew it was for me! In over 2 months of picking him up, I don’t think he realized I was his mom and it always took him several moments to realize it was me. Having him recognize me, smile, and be so content in my arms was one of my proudest mom moments yet.

Highlight- Happy Memorial Day! We had a great weekend with friends, family, and as a family with the 3 of us. It is important for me to always tell Sammy the importance of holidays. To celebrate Memorial Day, we took him to a parade to pay our respects to a few of the millions of Veterans that have fought for us. To be able to explain this to him year after year the importance of this day, I want him to know that this was something that was explained from the very beginning.


Weel 14

Week 14 4/18-4/24

How Big- at least 12.5lbs. Can’t wait for the weigh in next week at the Dr’s office.

Clothing Size- Same

Sleeping- Doing great still! Although my sleeping in 3-4 hour stretches every night is starting to make me very tired, I am not even going to complain about that. Having children means that your nights of sleeping without a wakeup are done for about the next 18 years! I am ok with this!

Movements- Summersault is so close to happening. Head control for him is great and we carry him facing outwards around the house now so he can control his head on his own and see everything around him going on. He hates being carried any other way but forward facing.

Milestones- HAPPY EASTER!! Sammy went on his first road trip. He did really well for the most part in the car. We were happy to bring him to Erie to visit Frank’s family. Sammy had some cranky periods while we were there that took him awhile to get out of. Meeting all the new people and being in places that he doesn’t recognize was hard on him but we wouldn’t have had it any other way. The entire Cirillo family was so great to us and the love that was shown to Sammy was amazing.

Hardest Moment- I am having a hard time letting go of my baby. The second I hear him crying or I notice that he needs something; I want to go running to him to do it. It has been hard but I need to make a conscious effort to try to open up to allowing Frank to help more. Part of me always wants Sammy to always need me. I know he will but other people can help him as well. There is no award at the end for Wonder Mom that is given to the moms who do everything. I need to stop pretending that there is and not be afraid to ask for help.

Best Moment- Sammy’s personality just keeps coming out. He smiles so easily now and there are a few statements that you can say or moves that you can do for him that make him laugh and smile. Now that he is able to laugh and smile, I feel that is an indication that he truly is a happy baby. I questioned if he was a happy baby for so long because of his reflux concerns and colicky periods.

Highlights- Sammy’s first big holiday was a success. He was spoiled to death and of course by mom and dad, Nonna, Papa, and Aunt Mo. I am looking forward to when he can understand holidays and get excited for them. Seeing children have fun on the holidays is the best part of any holiday.

Week 13

Week 13 4/11- 4/17

How Big- easily 12.5lbs! I can’t wait to take him to the Dr. at the end of the month and have him weighed.

Clothing Size- Still size 1 diapers, size 3 pants (for length purposes for our tall Bug), and 1-3 shirts/sleepers.

Sleeping- GREAT! Couldn’t ask for more in this department. Even though he still gets up about 2 times a night, I am relieved the crib worked out so well. Also at daycare this week, he took 4 hour naps twice this week.

Movements- I said it here first; Bug will do a summersault before he rolls over from tummy to back. He is soooo close to doing a summersault.

Milestones- 3 MONTHS OLD this week! Grow Sammy… GROW! I have no idea where the last 3 months have gone.

Hardest Moment- he started this thing where he will let out one loud and screeching scream in the middle of the night. Just one scream and goes to sleep. I am sure that he is just waking up out of a dream and just freaks out. It is just one scream and he is done and back to sleep. The first few times it happened this week, I was terrified and went running in the room.

Best Moment- He imitates us now. If we make a sound, he does too. If we stick our tongue out at him, he does too. The other night he made the cutest noise as we were making animal noises and now we are working so hard to try to get him to do it again. It was after the sound an owl makes and it could have been his imitating us with the biggest smile on his face and laughing at us at the same time but this noise was THE.CUTEST. NOISE. EVER! Second best moment was watching him have about 10 minutes of consecutive belly laughs. I was upstairs feeding him after his bath and getting him chilled out before bed. The shades were shut in the room and we were talking while I was rocking him. He was staring at the shades and just starting laughing out of control because they were moving because of the heater vent under them was making them blow around. I tried to yell downstairs for Frank but he didn’t hear me. Also, I hope we can recreate this moment so I can get it on video (of course this cute moment has to happen when I don’t have my phone with me). I have never laughed harder at him in my life.

Highlight- Obvious one is 3 months old. Then we had an over 70 degree weekend for the first time since August/September and we lived outside for the day. Running errands, walking at the zoo, going to the park, visiting with cousins, riding around in the car with the windows down blowing the air, and getting out of the same walls that he looks at constantly with his 2 favorite people ( at least we would like to think)- mom and dad!

Week 10

Week 10 3/21-3/27

How big- About 10lbs. I can’t wait to find out how many inches he is. I think we are going to have a tall boy on our hands!

Clothing Size- 1-3 months. Sometimes 3 month pants at Carters. Size 1 diapers

Sleeping- HE IS SLEEPING IN HIS CRIB!!!!!! Can you sense our excitement?!? Some nights he sleeps through the night and other nights he gets up 1-2 times.

Movements- He loves his kick and play piano now. It is so fun to watch him play. We are still working on tummy time. I know it is torture to him but he does so well when he gets really mad. The more angry he gets, the closer he is at rolling over.

Milestones- Loves nice weather days and having the wind blowing in his face. If it is a nice day and we are in the car, he loves to have the window cracked in the back seat for him to get fresh air. It used to be music that calmed him down when he became upset in the car but now it fresh air.

Hardest Moment- we are still dealing with some colic which I think is coming from a buildup of gas. It breaks my heart to see him screaming and I can’t figure out how to help him. Every secret in the book, we have done it. It is the worst in the evening and we just try to not let it stress us out. It can be really hard on the parents because it tests every ounce of patience you have.

Best Moment- my early birthday present, Sammy being here with us! I couldn’t be happier to spend a whole day inside with my boys celebrating my birthday. Dad and Sammy cooked me a great dinner and spoiled me to death with gifts. Best part of the day is when he snuggled up with me and took a nap on my chest. It doesn’t get any better then that!

Highlights- I have never looked more forward to my weekends. I love having us together as a family. I have found that sometimes I need to be selfish with my time on the weekends now that I am back at work but I am trying to make it all work. I think we are doing a pretty good job at splitting up time with others and having our own time as just the 3 of us (4 of us when Frankie is available in heaven to spend some time with us in spirit).