Sunday, April 28, 2013

The new normal...

It has been a long time since I lost updated my blog. I have been searching for a way to get my own inner peace. Rest assured that I still don't have this figured out quite yet and I don't think I ever will. A few notes that I did make in regards to functioning in my new living normal include;

1. I have come to a calm feeling that I can't wait for life to make the changes for us but we need to do this ourselves. Celebrate each day.

2. As long as my husband is besides me during every step of my journey, I can make it through.

3. I am not the same person that I was before August 19, 2012, the day that my first child was welcomed into this amazing world. I feel I have developed a sense of calm, confidence in myself, and a type of love that I have never experienced.

4. Don't ever assume. You never know what is going on in the next person's life. Be nice, respectful, and courteous to every person you meet.

5. It is ok to tell family or friends that you can't do something and not feel bad after. If they are here for you, they will understand. You have to be selfish with yourself after you suffer a loss.

6. No parent should ever have to bury their own child. It is just meant to happen that way. Those parents who have had to experience this happening to them are an unique group of people who understand this pain. I will always hold these people very dear to my heart.

7. It is ok to stay away from social media and the phone when you are having a hard day. It is ok to not return calls, emails, and text messages when you are having one of these days. Be kind to yourself and take care of you. Everyone and everything else will be just fine and they will welcome you back with open arms.

8. My new saying in life "don't sweat the small stuff". Those who have been forced to deal with a tragedy will never take a moment in life for granted. Life is too short, live in the moment.

9. If you believe in yourself, your dreams will come true. Frank and I are going to get our family. No matter what we have to do or what it will cost us, the Cirillo family will only get larger as the years go on. It may be weeks, months, or years but we will get there when the time is right. In the meantime, please be patient and kind with us and our feelings on this dream of ours.

10. Our hurting heart will never stop aching. We will never stop thinking of our first son daily. We will never be the same people emotionally. We pray to our son every single night and that will be something we do for the rest of our lives.

Thank you to our friend and family for all of your love and support each and every day. We love you all very much and we couldn't ask for a better support system behind us. Thank you for checking on us, helping us, being patient with us, and supporting us in this fabulous life. We couldn't do it without you all.



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