I am in shock right now, 38 weeks pregnant! I need to allow myself a minute to let this all sink in. With Frankie, I went into the hospital on 38 days on the spot to be induced for blood pressure concerns with Frankie. We are down to the wire now and we are anxiously waiting for our world to be changed for the next 18 years!
I have been working very hard on keeping Sammy growing as long as I have. I was having some blood pressure issues about a month back and had to be put on modified bed rest. My long work days combined with a 1+ hour drive each direction was becoming a 13-14 hour day. I had no other choice but to accept my new role as a mother before I could hold my baby in my arms. It has been a long 4 weeks but if I didn't do this, I was going to go into labor by week 36 and a good chance of having another NICU stay. We know this little man is as healthy as a baby can be as we have every test in the book proving that to us every week. We just want that moment of leaving the hospital with our baby in the car, pulling into the garage, and walking through our front door with our newest family member. I want us all to come home as a family together this time, not having to leave my baby at the hospital to sleep at night while I lie there awake not sleeping.
In the last month, we have had so much love and support from family and friends that we will never be able to say thank you enough or begin to show our appreciation. Friends coming over to keep me company, family visits, meals being prepared for us since it is hard for me to be cooking anything other then boiling water, the check in phone calls, and my work coworkers making sure I have at least one laugh a day with a work story or the latest news. Thank YOU all! I can't wait to begin returning these acts of kindness to others because I know how much something like this means.
I am doing great and Sammy is doing even better! Growing right on track. I would estimate him to be about 7lbs now based on our most recent ultrasounds. He likes to suck his thumb every time (totally advanced for his age- haha) and he still has those cute chubby cheeks that go on and on. One thing I have been thinking about is will he look like his brother. I have been taking time to stare at those newborn pictures we took the moment Frankie was born. Precious little boy and we are pretty convinced that Sammy is going to take after his brother.
We can't wait to start this new journey. It is going to be a very emotional process for all of us so please don't mind when I cry happy tears for a day straight as I snuggle my babe in the hospital. We will welcome all visitors but please don't hold it against me if Frank and I want to spend every second holding our baby. Those passes to family members will be there but I will be ready for the second that I can get him back!
If you are so inclined to help over the next few weeks, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Also, please be patient with us because this has been 3 years in the making and we are finally here. We had our glorious 6 days with Frankie and now we can't wait to have our fabulous life ahead of us now with the best looking angel in heaven watching us with constant happiness. I have not a worry in the world because with our angel in heaven, everything is going to be great.
Sam Frank P. Cirillo, you are our miracle and we can't wait to meet you!